Our Co-Director Viji Rajagoplan is a qualified Social worker who has worked in domestic and sexual abuse and Child to Parent Abuse specialist services for over 20 years. Viji's extensive language skills have seen her host group programmes for men and women in Urdu and Hindi. The families and individuals that Maria and Viji have worked with, have experienced multiple disadvantages and barriers to engagement and have informed their specialist knowledge in child to parent abuse and working with adults and young people who use harmful behaviours towards their partners and family.
About us...
Silenced was born as a result of our founding director - Maria Duah's response to an increase in referrals at Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conferences (MARAC) and Daily Safeguarding Meetings (DSM) for Child to Parent Abuse (under 18) and Adult Dependent Parent Abuse (ADPA) during COVID-19. Maria is an independent qualified Social worker and practice educator who has worked with families experiencing parent abuse for numerous years in various roles. Her work experience led to her designing a programme for adults using violence and abuse in their intimate and family relationships underpinned by a person centred systems theory approach.

Our aim as professionals is to understand the families, young people and children that we are working with and how best we can support them to make positive changes in their lives. Using a systemic approach to our work, we believe that this is the way forward in creating a more efficient and holistic way of working.
Child to Parent Abuse (CPA) and Adult Dependent Parent Abuse (ADPA) is a pattern of behaviour seen in children, young people and adult dependents who use violence and abuse toward their parent/s or carers. There are numerous reasons why CPA and ADPA occurs and can often be correlated with other behaviours.