The view from the conference building on such a beautiful day!
This was our first time attending the IFSW conference where we met some amazing social work colleagues from all over the world. We attended various workshops by Nicola Douglas: Using a Perpetrator-Pattern Mapping Tool to Increase Child Safety in Domestic Violence Cases, Allison Hulmes - Identifying and responding to micro aggressions in social work practice with Romani and Traveller peoples, Mary Affee: Creative Counselling Techniques: Using Creative Arts to Promote Client Self-Efficacy and Resilience,Jessica Jackson: Social Work Students in Schools, bridging the service gap, Ciji Blue: How to treat the Cross-Cultural Adjustment of Expatriate Military Spouses: Theoretical & Clinical Implications & Mashkhura Akilova - Integrative Social Work Practice with Displaced Populations: Methods for Training Social Workers. It was great to receive so much knowledge and information on how social work is practiced in other countries as well as sharing the UK's response to child to parent violence and abuse.

We delivered our workshop in the afternoon which was attended by social work colleagues from Finland, Germany, Israel, Scotland, Ireland, Derby, London , Manchester, Canada and Belgium. It was really interesting to hear how CPVA is viewed around the world and the way in which it is responded to. There were a few healthy debates about what constitutes CPVA and how the person using violence and abuse should be seen by services. It was evident that there is more shared learning to be done so that there is a universal understanding of CPVA and the responses needed to support families. In response to our workshop at the IFSW we will be delivering an interactive workshop at the WWP European network conference on the 12th of October 2023 - Understanding & responding to high-risk domestic violence perpetrators (https://www.work-withperpetrators.eu/events/annual-conferences).